Take note of the power of an experience versus sounds in isolation. User results found that, individual premium sounds outperformed generic sounds by 3%, but experiences with premium sounds outperformed experiences with generic sounds by 30% — illustrating how an overarching sonic branding strategy can be 10x more powerful. With these results in mind, it is paramount to build audio experiences from a holistic point of view.When users were inquired for emotional response, the study shows that premium experiences were perceived as having more personality, more fun to use, and more trustworthy 30% more often than generic experiences. Analyzing this data, it is surmised that due to the harmonic nuance in premium earcons, users can detect that the audio experience was carefully designed, thus, the same care can be expected in the customer experience. Additionally, harmonically dynamic sounds in a premium experience provide more emotional context, thus, definitively more personality. When testing for preference, experiences with premium sounds were perceived as more premium almost 30% more often by users of standard headphones, and 65% more often by users of premium headphones. Reflecting on brand competition, marketers should take notice and utilize premium audio to boost their brand preference and attract users.